Sunday, March 29, 2009


It snowed last night. Not just a little, like, 6 inches. Are you kidding? Yes, the trees looked beautiful with the heavy, wet snow stuck to them, but enough already. I can wait until next winter for that....

We've gotten snow in northern Illinois in March before, but come on....the good news is that I did not sign up for the 8K Shamrock Shuffle, which took place today. Hats off to the runners who hit the streets of Chicago this morning in the snow, and 30 mph wind.

The other good news is I have run. Well, last Sunday....3 miles in just under 30 minutes, so that's very good. I've done weights this week, but no running. Why? Because my knee hurts. Not when I run, or walk, but when it bends, like when I sit. Taking the week off has helped and it feels much better.

So, I'll be back in the running game tomorrow. On the stupid treadmill. Send the spring karma my way, I'm going to need it!