Friday, March 6, 2009

It's Back! Friday Fill-Ins!

Here we go...

1. Holding the door was my last random act of kindness.

2. Another place, another time.

3. Follow your gut in matters of the heart.

4. Coffee, tea or more coffee!

5. ????? separate paths.

6. Our nice weather today reminds me that there is a new season on the way!!!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hanging out, tomorrow my plans include a basketball award ceremony and Sunday, I want to sleep late.


Elee said...

Hey your #3 on the Friday Fill Ins - remember my telling you guys when it came to know if you made the right decision about something "as long as you can look at yourself in a mirror and honestly know you did the right thing" then the decision was probably right for you! Hell I was good!!!!!!!!!!!

Run Mommy said...

I like the layout and didn't even notice the top part right away!