Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rain, rain go away....

There was no running the half marathon this weekend. Me and Juju were supposed to go to the expo to pick up our race packets, however, around 9:15 Saturday morning she called in a panic that her basement was flooding. Five mintues later, we were in the car, headed to her house.

It was unbelievable. The area was flooded, and it was tough to make our way there, but get there we did. Five inches of water in their basement - it wasn't pretty. We moved out whatever we could, and the water eventually went down. We then spent a good part of the day pulling up carpet & padding and hauling it out to the garbage.

So, we never made it to the expo, but after walking up & down the basement stairs a zillion times, running 13.1. miles today wasn't going to happen! And it's just as well, because it was still raining this morning. Ugh.

All the games in B's football league were cancelled for this weekend too. And, I have to say, not having to get up for anything this morning was very, very nice!!