Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

I love election day. I'm not a big political junkie, but I've always loved election day. Today is no different. I would have much rather been at home today watching CNN obsessively, but nope, had to go to work.

We get home from football practice and MY DIRECT TV BOX ISN'T WORKING! REALLY???? You'll be happy to know after 20 minutes of trying reset the stupid thing, it is now working. WHEW. And thank goodness for the internet. I now can watch TV AND browse the web to cure my election obsession. Gotta love technology!

Here's my rant about election day...WGN has Judy Baar Topinka and some other guys on giving their .02. The anchors keep going to the three of 'em for so-called "insight". Gag me. They're all so annoying. One of the anchors asks Topinka which candidate's tax plan is better. She says McCain..of course she does, she's a republican. Then they go to the Dem dude. Guess what his answer was?? Shocking, I know. Just tell me the numbers and go away.

I'm going to be tired tomorrow, because I will be up watching election coverage into the wee hours. Join me, this could be fun!