Thursday, May 1, 2008

Official Launch!

I was going to wait until May 12th to send out my marathon fundraising email. You know, exactly 5 months before the big day, but then thought, why wait?

So, the email went out today. I have $850 to raise. I realize many people gave last year and that everyone has to choose the charities they support. Any donation helps and any donation means alot to me. All the support really does keep you going on marathon day. I hope this year turns out just as successful. So, thank you, thank you to everyone!

On a related note, a shout out to my neighbors Jen & Cameron for their donation!!!!


Hatten Family said...

Anytime, Karin! Gotta keep putting money towards this horrible disease - they NEED to find a cure! Good luck on making $850!

- Jen & Cameron

JuJu said...

Let me just say that I can't believe you are a "blogger!" Are you offcially beginning your training now, and just starting really really slow? Kudos to you!
I am hoping that I can even make it to this half marathon. I am SORE already after running.
Which program are you going to train with? Did I tell you about the dream I had a few weeks ago where Dave and I were "tag teaming" at the Marathon because it was another disasterously hot day? You ran fine in the dream, but Dave and I were the king and queen of IV's that day. Scary.