Monday, April 6, 2009


Anyone happen to catch the Oprah show today?? It was on the good, bad and ugly of motherhood. She had on two women - Trisha Ashworth and Amy Noble, who wrote the book "I'd Trade my Husband for a Housekeeper", Cheryl Hines (Curb Your Enthusiasm and In The Motherhood) and various Skyping mothers giving up their dirty little secrets. It was hilarious.

One of the mothers gave her advice on discipline...always let your kids think you're just a little crazy. That way, they never know exactly when you're going to snap. I love this...and practice it on a regular basis.

While doing research for their first book "I Was Really a Good Mom Before I Had Kids", Trisha and Amy noticed how there was a common theme among mothers overwhelming motherhood is and how most felt that they didn't have permission to admit how hard it was. And, that most mothers really wanted to open up, but it took some time. During their interviews, the mothers would open up, after an average of 22 minutes. Additionally, mothers demanded too much of themselves and have unrealistic expectations - that they have set for themselves.

All the mothers agreed that it's okay to admit that they can't - or won't - do it all, and that admission does not make them failures.

The stories were hysterical and helps you realize that you're not alone in your craziness. Whether you're a working mom, a stay at home mom, a work from home mom, or whatever....we need to realize what we do not need is criticism, but support. All of us make the decisions appropriate for our situation. Let's not judge, let's just be there for each other!


Hatten Family said...

I'm so sorry I missed this episode...especially now as I'm in the throws of motherhood with a 7 week old! I need to realize I can't do it all, but if I don't - who will?? I think all husbands / dads need to watch this episode of Oprah! :)