Monday, April 20, 2009

Good Luck Boston Runners!

Today is the Boston Marathon, so good luck to all the runners out there this morning! I am watching it on the computer. Amazing..go Kara Goucher! Let's bring first place back to the Americans this year! Next year, I'll be in Boston supporting my friend Michele, who had to defer for this year, and Kristina, who WILL be there in 2010 (go Kristina!!!).

One would think watching this would allow me to get off my butt and actually do something more physical than typing...not so much at the moment. It's cold and rainy here in Northern Illinois, which makes sitting here, drinking coffee, much more appealing than running outside. However...I will get a run in today, only with a new twist....

I've changed my focus...while structure and having a race to train for does work for me, I need to take a step back. I need to run because it's good for me, because it relaxes me and gives me peace and just for the pleasure of running again. This means no Garmin, no worrying about time or pace or any of that.

I am signed up for a half on June 7th. I don't know if this will actually happen, and if it does not, that's okay. There will be plenty of time for more races, plenty of time to obsess over pace and time. For now, I'll be out there, happily moving along, just because...