Friday, July 10, 2009

I'm Baaaaackk....

Sorry for the delay, folks. We were in Ludington, Michigan for vacation. After the whole Marshall situation, it was time to get the hell outta Dodge.

Ludington was very nice. It's a small beach town on the east coast of Lake Michigan. My goal was to lay on the beach and enhance the savage tan I have going this summer. And that is exactly what I did, so yahoo for me!

Two of the days were on the cool side, so on one, we did the sand dunes ride, which was alot of fun. The second, went to the beach, left the beach, played mini golf and go-karts, and went back to the beach. You'll see how that turned out in the pics below.

So, my dear blogging friends, I'm back. More to come, but in the meantime, enjoy some pictures from the getaway...

This would be cooler day #2. You're diggin' the getup, aren't you? I was asking Brian for the 8000th time to give me the camera...

The sun on Lake Michigan

Sand Dunes in Silver Lake, Michigan

It's really a shame he's so shy and reserved....
