Friday, May 15, 2009

It's FRIDAY......

1. If we had no winter , I'D BE SAD. I LIKE SNOW. JUST NOT FOR MONTHS ON END....

2. EIGHT YEAR OLD BOYS ARE a perpetual astonishment.

3. If I had my life to live over I WOULDN'T CHANGE A THING.

4. I HAVE WAY TOO MUCH TO DO inside of four and twenty hours.

5. If you've never been thrilled, YOU HAVEN'T LIVED.

6. To be interested in the changing seasons, YOU MUST EXPERIENCE THE CHANGING SEASONS.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to CLEANING (NOT!), tomorrow my plans include BASEBALL AND FRIENDS OVER and Sunday, I want to NOT GET UP AT 7AM FOR AN 8:00 BASEBALL GAME!


jodes said...

Hey! Where've you been?? Just wondering how the 13.1 went on Sunday?? I was planning on doing it but my Gramma's 80th birthday was the same day.... oh well. Hope you had an amazing race!